The Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players have been playing all over LA.

We take people's vintage slides that we purchase at estate and yard sales and turn them into pop rock exposes. A concept, that if applied correctly, will change the future of entertainment.
In a feat of pure cultural alchemy, the Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players create off-kilter musical magic based on photographic slides acquired at yard sales and estate sales. Featuring Jason Trachtenburg on guitar and keyboard, his wife Tina as the slide projectionist, and their nine-year-old daughter Rachel on drums, the group has taken New York by storm since moving here from Seattle. David now welcomes them to WFMU, where they will adapt their tuneful visual spectacle for the radio airwaves.
I saw them last night at Tangier, and it was a lot of fun. A six-part rock opera based on a set of internal McDonald's advertising strategy slides from the 70s ("Let's Not Have The Same Weight In 1978--Let's Have More") sounds pretty awful, but's not. It's not like the music is that great, but as a show, and as a family, the Trachtenburgs are very entertaining. My favorite bit might have been when nine year-old Rachel, the drummer, called for a do over of a song that started out badly. -- john wiseman