stanley beamish = mr. terrific

Mr. Terrific was the story of nerdy Stanley Beamish, who works for the Bureau of Special Projects in Washington D.C. As part of his job, he swallowed an enormous jawbreaker sized "Power Pill" developed by the government that turns him (and only him) into a superhero with tremendous powers - for one hour.
Trouble comes when the pill wears off and timid Stanley Beamish is forced to face the crooks without his mighty powers. Mr. Terrific can even fly during his brief hour of power - but he has to flap his arms to do it!
Typical plots: Stanley finds himself with a miniature transmitter implanted in his tooth when he visits a spy dentist, while the president's plane flashes an SOS, Stanley Beamish is busy seeing a psychiatrist about his inability to fly and in another episode Stanley impersonates a safe cracker that is his exact double.