Faster, Cheaper, Newer, More

Faster, Cheaper, Newer, More: Revolutions of 1848 Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, Smithsonian Institution June 4, 2004 - January 9, 2005
[...] an exhibition that draws on artifacts from Cooper-Hewitt's vast permanent collection to explore the rapid political, technological, and social changes which burst forth in and around the pivotal year 1848. The exhibition encompasses objects from all four Cooper-Hewitt curatorial departments— Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design; Product Design and Decorative Arts; Wallcoverings; and Textiles—as well as from the Library and Rare Book Archives at Cooper-Hewitt, and from several collecting departments of other Smithsonian museums.
[/] Cooper-Hewitt, The Nancy and Edwin Marks Collection Gallery